
Driving Recruitment in a lighter way

WAS UK has unveiled the ground-breaking 3.5 tonne double crew ambulance (DCA). This is the first DCA in a generation that can be operated at full capacity and still be driven on a standard type ‘B’ driving licence. Removing the barrier to recruitment of newly qualified paramedics, technicians and emergency care assistants.

Addressing the key issues affecting ambulance trusts in England head-on 

1. Convenience

Since the 1990s with the introduction of more and more life-saving medical equipment the operating weight of ambulances has continued to increase. Leading to heavier ambulances, that require an costly ‘C1’ driving licence for multi-lane motor vehicles up to 7.5 t gross vehicle weight. The WAS innovative lightweight aluminium ambulance body combined with a state-of-the art Fiat based chassis system has enabled the previously out of reach goal of 3.5 t once again to be a reality, enabling newly qualified professionals to operate the vehicle with a ‘B’ licence.

2. Savety

The ambulance is the working office of the paramedic and needs to be designed with them in mind. Issues such as infection control, ergonomics and patient and crew safety are all features that have been addressed in the new 3.5 tonne DCA. While being lighter, the vehicle provides 20% more ergonomic working space than a van conversion – additional space well needed to the design of the ‘treatment triangle’, that enables the paramedic to tend to the patient and reach medical equipment while safely seated with a seat belt on.

3. Sustainablity

As vehicle manufacturers WAS UK feels challenged to help cut air pollution by developing more environmentally friendly ambulances. The 3.5 tonne vehicle is good for fuel economy as well as for the environment because it reduces air pollution (CO2) by 20% compared to a current national specification van. Fuel consumption is also reduced in line with the emissions reduction, saving a larger Ambulance Trust easily hundreds of thousands of pounds in the long-run.*


Finally, our 3.5 tonne DCA paves the way towards an all-electric version of this lighter-weight vehicle.

If you’d like to find out more information about the new WAS 3.5 tonne vehicle please contact wasukinfo@was-vehicles.co.uk, or contact Tom Howlett on 07496 982199 or 0845 459 2785.

*All of the WAS UK test data has been independently validated by Millbrook testing ground.  

Emissions and fuel consumption were compared for normal driving, emergency driving and overall.


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